로봇 C 터치 센서
//*!!Sensor, S1, touchSensor, sensorTouch, , !!*//
//*!! !!*//
//*!!Start automatically generated configuration code. !!*//
const tSensors touchSensor = (tSensors) S1; //sensorTouch //*!!!!*//
//*!!CLICK to edit 'wizard' created sensor & motor configuration. !!*//
// Wait for Push //
// ROBOTC on NXT //
// //
// This program allows your taskbot to run straight while the touch sensor is //
// released. Once, the touch sensor is pushed, the robot will reverse and //
// stop. //
// //
// Focus //
// //
// In this program, the focus is learning how to use a while look when checking a sensor condition. //
// This program will cause the robot to contiously move forward while the touch sensor //
// is not pressed in. As soon as the touch sensor is pressed, the program will 'break' out of the while loop //
// and move on to the rest of the code. In this program, the rest of the code will cause the robot to //
// move in reverse for one second and then stop the robot. The focus of all of this is learning how to //
// perform different actions when conditional statements are being used. //
// //
// Notes //
// //
// 1. The touch sensor should be mounted on the front. //
// //
// Motors & Sensors //
// //
// [I/O Port] [Name] [Type] [Description] //
// Port 1 touchsensor Touch Front mounted //
// Port C none Motor Right Motor //
// Port B none Motor Left Motor //
// //
task main()
while(SensorValue(touchSensor) == 0) //a while loop is declared with the touchsensor's value being 0 as it true condition
motor[motorC] = 100; //Motor C is run at a 100 power level
motor[motorB] = 0; //motor B is run at a 100 power level
motor[motorC] = -75; //Motor C is run at a -75 power level
motor[motorB] = -75; //motor B is run at a -75 power level
wait1Msec(1000); //the program waits 1000 milliseconds before running further code